Series of Fortunate Events

One question I am asked very often is that how come I have my interests and knowledge in Web Dev / Front End even though I work on totally different things at my office. When talking about this with a few of my colleagues, I realized it all happened the way it is due to a lot of small events that happened in the past 4-5 years. I mentioned few of them briefly in one of my previous posts. Since I did not find anything to write about anything useful this month, I thought I will write an elaborated version of my past experiences with web development. Let's talk about that.

It was the end of 2012, I was already bored with all the games I was playing on my PC/Laptop I had at that time and I was finding new ways to kill free time. That's when I came across my friend's website with the domain name and my over-curious self was awake. I immediately signed up for my own site without even checking what are the features available. They had a drag and drop user interface with which anybody could build a website in minutes. Weeks later, I found out most of the things I wanted to do in it were paid and I found no fun in just dragging and dropping things. Then I discovered Now I knew I had to start a blog on blogger, but I had no idea on what should I blog about. Since it was not that easy to find a pirated software/game in all torrent sites because of a lot of malware, I felt I need to ease the process of delivering the pirated software to people(duh!).

While I was at it, one of my high school senior had a local news website set up and he asked me to mentor a few people to promote news via blogs and social media. Between all these, my curiosity on knowing how things are working under the hood made me start learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is the time when I had started putting all of my learning into my blog's design.

Here are some versions of my website I pulled from web archive. Blogspot website web archive

Blogspot website web archive

After tweaking amazing themes for blogger, I was introduced to WordPress which is still the most used open source CMS out there. That's when I felt the need for learning PHP. This was the time when local businesses were slowly trying to get their online presence with websites and social media. Even though there were a lot of people who were already in the web development biz, they were producing sites with DreamWeaver or flash which were either not so mobile optimized or was loaded with text which nobody would have time to read. I thought I could make a difference by building websites that can actually bring value to the businesses. Spoiler alert, that didn't work out well.

Being a freelancer for 3-4 years, I got the chance to step in into the shoes of Web Developer, Designer, App Developer, Content Writer, Project Manager, Marketing Guy, and even Tech Support. All though I got to learn a lot of distinct things in this process, I couldn't get in-depth knowledge about one particular area.

One take away from reading this post would be, "keep exploring, keep learning new things but don't try to be a jack of all trades, master of none. Be master of one some."

"The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect." - Tim Berners-Lee